Chapter 2.2: Object-Oriented Programming with C#: Understanding Interfaces, Delegates, and Events in C#
In our previous article, we explored classes, objects, and inheritance in the context of Object-Oriented Programming with C#. In this article, we'll delve into interfaces, delegates, and events, which are crucial concepts for designing flexible, modular, and maintainable applications in C#. In the next article, we'll cover constructors and destructors.
An interface is a contract that defines a set of methods and properties a class must implement. Interfaces promote loose coupling and ensure that classes adhere to a specific structure. To define an interface, use the interface keyword followed by the interface name:
interface IPrintable { void Print(); }
To implement an interface in a class, use the : symbol followed by the interface name:
class Document : IPrintable { public void Print() { Console.WriteLine("Printing the document..."); } }
A delegate is a type-safe function pointer that can reference a method with a specific signature. Delegates allow you to pass methods as arguments to other methods, enabling a higher degree of flexibility and modularity in your code. To declare a delegate, use the delegate keyword followed by the method signature:
delegate void PrintDelegate(string message);
Example of using a delegate:
static void Main() { PrintDelegate print = PrintToConsole; print("Hello, world!"); } static void PrintToConsole(string message) { Console.WriteLine(message); }
Events allow a class to notify other classes when something happens, adhering to the publisher-subscriber pattern. Events are typically used in conjunction with delegates. To declare an event, use the event keyword followed by the delegate type and the event name:
class Publisher { public delegate void EventHandler(string message); public event EventHandler OnPublish; public void Publish(string message) { OnPublish?.Invoke(message); } }
Subscribing to and handling the event:
static void Main() { Publisher publisher = new Publisher(); publisher.OnPublish += HandlePublishEvent; publisher.Publish("Event published!"); } static void HandlePublishEvent(string message) { Console.WriteLine("Received event: " + message); }
In this article, we covered the concepts of interfaces, delegates, and events in C#. Understanding these concepts is essential for designing flexible and modular applications in C#. In the next article, we'll discuss constructors and destructors, which are crucial components of object lifecycle management in C#. Stay tuned for more C# learning!
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